How we work

We work in partnership with CBM Global Kenya and others to strengthen local organizations that provide development and humanitarian services. In programme delivery e specifically focus on inclusive health; inclusive community development; inclusive humanitarian action and strengthening of organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs). We work with CBM Global to fundraise, build the capacity of partners, and support such partner organizations to implement quality inclusive development and humanitarian programmes.

Inclusive Eye Health

Reduce the burden of visual impairment through delivery of integrated people-centered patient services and improve vision related quality of life for people with functional low vision and irreversible blindness.

Disability Inclusive Community Development

Pilot / implement inclusive development projects through local partners in early identification, intervention, rehabilitation, inclusive education, health, and livelihoods.

Inclusive Humanitarian Action

Promote continued delivery of essential inclusive services including mental health and wellness to persons with disabilities during and after humanitarian emergencies.

Organizations of Person’s with Disability Strengthening (OPDs)

Through a mutually agreed process we shall work to strengthen the capacity of OPDs, partner organizations, and persons with disabilities to influence and advocate for disability inclusive and human rights centered policies, services, budgets, and programs.

Organizational Capacity Development

To improve the organizational capacity of CBM Kenya to deliver its mission, strategic goals, financial obligations, programme strategy, human resource needs and capacity, internal and external relations, brand and visibility, policies and systems and strengthen governance through.

Strategic Goals

Although Kenya has put in place some disability specific legislation, signed, and ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, (CRPD) and subscribes to Sustainable Development Goals, (SDGs) and agenda 2030 framework, persons with disabilities continue to experience social and economic exclusion: poor quality of life and lack of inclusive affordable services. Organizations of Persons with disabilities (OPDs) are still struggling with effective organizational management and high-quality programme delivery and are therefore not able to fully deliver on their mandate among other issues. Similarly, development organizations and governments are still struggling with implementing disability inclusive, and rights centered policies and services. This strategic plan has been developed through a consultative
process, reviewing documents from CBM Global and disability specific policies and literature in Kenya, interviews with CBM Kenya’s board members and stakeholders. There has also been extensive consultation with CBM Global’s secretariate and board. This strategy identifies and seeks to address the organizational needs facing CBM Kenya and the need to scale up Programmes that focus on disability inclusive development through a human right centered approach. One of the biggest opportunity within the disability sector that this strategy seeks to capitalize on is the increased recognition by government and other development actors that inclusion of persons with disabilities in all spheres of life is a right. This strategy identifies funding as a risk which must be addressed if all goals outlined here are to be met.

This strategy identifies and seeks to address the organizational needs facing CBM Kenya and the need to scale up Programmes that focus on disability inclusive development through a human right centered approach. One of the biggest opportunity within the disability sector that this strategy seeks to capitalize on is the increased recognition by government and other development actors that inclusion of persons with disabilities in all spheres of life is a right. This strategy identifies funding as a risk which must be addressed if all goals outlined here are to be met.